


帖子 免费地产执照培训 »

中美咨询公司(Chinamerican Consultant Inc.)与Real EstateU Online LLC为答谢广大群众客户的大力支持,共同合力推出春季免费地产执照培训,有近二十名的地产专家教授为您倾力打造75小时的精彩演讲,特聘请名牌大学博士兼地产教授兼法拉盛名牌地产学校主讲老师做本项目的地面义务辅导,名额有限,毕业后可向您推荐无风险,无台费,95%提成的地产公司, 法拉盛繁华地段Roosevelt Ave办公室,舒适的学习环境,每人可配备一台电脑供免费使用学习。
报名地点:136-85 Roosevelt Ave,2FL,#2000C,Flushing,NY 11354(Macy’s斜对面,七号地铁口)
报名费:$99(原价:$249) 15天之内修完75个小时课程或一个月之内拿到执照者$99全额退款

Chinamerican Consultant Inc. and Real EstateU Online LLC will provide special spring free training online real estate program. We have more than 20 real estate instructors to help you to get New York State 75 hours real estate salesperson training, especially we also invite a professor who hold Ph.D. degree to answer all your questions during the study time. After graduation, we will introduce you to some real estate companies who have no fixed monthly payment and split more than 95% commissions. Our company is at 136-85 Roosevelt Ave, 2nd Floor, Suite 2000C, Flushing, NY 11354, Near Macy and subway. Company will provide computers for each student.
Register time: From April 27 to April 30, 2pm to 9pm.
Class starts from May 1.
Registration fees: $99(original $249), If you can finish 75 hours course within 15 days or you can get real estate salesperson license within one month, we will return your $99.
Material: $60
Contact: Mr. Quan: (917)239-7423

最后由 Anonymous 于 2015-05-06 21:35 顶起


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